12:40 p.m. Only Kristen Stewart remains!
12:45 p.m. "I kept the rings," Stewart says of things she kept from the movie. "She's not really in to 'stuff,' so there aren't a whole lot of props," she explains.
12:49 p.m. A 14-year-old reporter asks if Kristen could pause her life at any point -- vampire-style -- when would it be? "I'm not there yet, so I don't know... I can't wait to get to that point," she says.
12:50 p.m. How did Bella's journey parallel Kristen's journey? "Without taking any of the truth out of this, it's so sorta general," she says, meaning "universal." "You question yourself along the way constantly and I don't think you should ever stop doing that necessarily," she says. "I definitely feel a little bit more realized. A lot more actually. I think that by chance we happen to be the same age. It's a tough one, because she lives so many years in such a tight little period of time," she says. "I think I've grown up a little bit. I don't know."
12:58 p.m. Stewart's asked about the bonds between her and Rob and Taylor. "It's nice to not be alone in that, I guess," she says. "There are a lot of people who are exceeding famous, but we share the movies." "I wouldn't have done it in the first place unless it was something I was always going to carry and I think they feel the same way," she says. "There a lot of exceedingly famous people and they all get it," she closes.
1:02 p.m. Would she sign on for another franchise up-front? "My guess is probably not, but I think it's just really rare to find something that lends itself to that," says Stewart, who has never been a huge fan of any comic book or ongoing series. "Never say never," she closes.
1:03 p.m. Ugh. What would K-Stew give Bella for the holidays? "Old Bella. What do you want for Christmas, girl?" Stewart muses. Much hemming and hawing. "You guys? What would you give her for Christmas? See? She's just not that into stuff. In fact... hates presents," she says.
1:06 p.m. Which of Bella's powers would she like to have or to have experienced? Running really fast. The treadmill just wasn't enough. Would she like to live forever? "No."
1:05 p.m. Is there any question that she hasn't been asked that she wished she'd been asked? "Nope," she says. "What do I desperate want to let out right now? Nope," she says.
1:06 p.m. She didn't buy herself anything to celebrate getting this role. In fact, she finds the idea that an actor would do something like that, "the weirdest thing ever."